I Got The Shock Of My Life After Taking My Wife For Pregnancy Clinic- Man Narrates
Everyone wishes for a successful and happy marriage but at times our expectations fail us leading many to depression.
After meeting the love of his life, Matthew expected everything to be OK. In an interview, he tells his story in an open and honest way. He opens up.
His religious life was impacted when he married Leah, who was not religious and did not follow proper church processes.For a period of three months, Matthew was excommunicated from the church.
They later attended Leah's uncle's burial, and Matthew was surprised to learn that his wife had a crippled kid who had just turned four years old. Since then, every attempt to assist her has failed. As soon as her husband brings it up, Leah immediately launches into an attack of insults.
In the future, Leah became pregnant, and Matthew, being the kind husband he is, brought her to the clinic where he learned to his horror that his wife is HIV positive. Although his wife had failed to provide an explanation, his devotion to her had overcome all obstacles, and he had come to terms with the current circumstance.
Everything changed for the worse when Leah started viewing things from her husband's point of view. It's been a struggle for Matthew to stop using drugs and drinking alcohol when he retreated and started smoking bhang and drinking.
He adores Leah and wants a cancellor to step in to help her accept her predicament so they can continue to build their dream home together.
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